Our process

Initial brief

During a call or an in-person meeting, we talk through your use case. Together we try to come up with a first approximation of a problem statement and explore some potential avenues for a solution.

We will also try to get an idea of the type of tools that will be applicable.

  • How much expert knowledge is there about the problem?
  • Is there any data available? If so, how much, and of what quality?

Once the problem statement is clear, we can move on and make an estimate of the project outlines.


Once the problem is clear, we will draft a short proposal containing

  • the steps we will take to tackle your problem;
  • the KPIs to use to measure success/failure of a solution;
  • a description of the final deliverables.

We also provide a transparent quotation of the expected cost and duration of the project.


Once you’ve accepted our proposal, we get to work and start building out the solution.

Through regular written updates, we keep you in the loop regarding the progress of the project, and give you the opportunity to provide feedback about the direction things are going.


Near the end of the project, once everything is ready, the deliverables are handed to you for a final review, along with a short presentation and/or a written report, depending on your preferences.

Using your feedback, final changes are made to the end-product, which is then delivered at the end date of the project.


Depending on the arrangements, any follow-up services are provided, such as

  • software maintenance
  • training sessions,